Nishnawbe-Aski Legal Services and its partner organizations are committed to providing services to NAN Community members to ensure the safety of everyone, keeping families together, to strengthen the community.

Success in the provision of these services will be enhanced and carried out in a manner that takes care of our own. This includes keeping with the values and beliefs of First Nations people. For example:  the Talking Together Program circle’s is a practice, as an alternative, to the present Family Law court system.

Nishnawbe-Aski Legal Services also just signed protocols with Nishnawbe-Aski Police Service (2022) and the Ontario Provincial Police (2024). The protocol agreement includes pre-charge and post-charge diversions to the Restorative Justice program, and referrals to our NALSC Programs and Services such as our “Talking Together Program” and the “Victim Witness Liaison Program.”

Protocols with Partner Organizations