Aroland First Nation

Chief Dorothy Towedo
Visit the site

Heather Napash
Talking Together Facilitator
Tel: (807) 631- 2415
Roberta Wesley
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (705) 373- 2100

Attawapiskat First Nation

Chief Judy Sylvia Koostachin-Metatawabin

Charles Hookimaw
Youth Intervention Worker
Stella Kiokee-Koostachin
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (705) 997- 1285

Bearskin Lake First Nation

Chief Lefty Kamenawatamin

Cecilia Fiddler
Victim Witness Liaison
Tel: (807) 630- 5633
Jacob Mekanak
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (807) 630- 9503

Beaverhouse First Nation

Chief Wayne Wabie
Visit Beaverhouse site

Leahan Parrott
Restorative Manager East
Tel: (705) 288 2500
Madelaine Kioke
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (705) 221-1113

Brunswick House First Nation

Chief Renae Vanbuskirk
Visit Brunswick House site

Leahan Parrott
Restorative Manager East
Tel: (705) 288 2500
Madelaine Kioke
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (705) 221-1113
Melissa Sutherland
Gladue Caseworker
Tel: (705) 221-7316

Cat Lake First Nation

Chief Russell Wesley

Jacob Mekanak
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (807) 630- 9503
Wilma Carpenter
Victim Witness Liaison
Tel: (807) 374- 1000

Chapleau Cree First Nation

Chief Keith Corston
Visit Chapleau Cree site

Leahan Parrott
Restorative Manager East
Tel: (705) 288 2500
Madelaine Kioke
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (705) 221-1113

Chapleau Ojibwe First Nation

Chief Anita Stephens
Visit Chapleau Ojibwe site

Leahan Parrott
Restorative Manager East
Tel: (705) 288 2500
Madelaine Kioke
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (705) 221-1113

Constance Lake First Nation

Chief Ramona Sutherland

Heather Napash
Talking Together Facilitator
Tel: (807) 631- 2415
Leahan Parrott
Restorative Manager East
Tel: (705) 288 2500
Roberta Wesley
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (705) 373- 2100

Deer Lake First Nation

Chief Leonard Mawakeesick

Shirley Keesic
Restorative Justice Worker
Tel: (807) 735-2709

Eabametoong First Nation

Chief Sol Atlookan

Heather Napash
Talking Together Facilitator
Tel: (807) 631- 2415
Jean Rabbit - Waboose
Release & Reintegration Worker
Tel: (807) 631- 5542
Jeanette Slipperjack
Youth Empowerment Worker
Robert Ostamas
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (807) 632- 6339

Flying Post First Nation

Chief Murray Ray
Visit Flying Post site

Fort Albany First Nation

Chief Elizabeth Kataquapit
Visit Fort Albany site

David Sutherland
Release & Reintegration Worker
Tel: (705) 278-5049
Stella Kiokee-Koostachin
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (705) 997- 1285

Fort Severn First Nation

Chief Paul Burke

Angus Miles
Release & Reintegration Worker
Tel: (807) 212- 5948
Shirley Keesic
Restorative Justice Worker
Tel: (807) 735-2709

Ginoogaming First Nation

Chief Sheri Taylor
Visit the site

Heather Napash
Talking Together Facilitator
Tel: (807) 631- 2415
Roberta Wesley
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (705) 373- 2100

Hornepayne First Nation

Heather Napash
Talking Together Facilitator
Tel: (807) 631- 2415
Roberta Wesley
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (705) 373- 2100

Kasabonika Lake First Nation

Chief Tom Semple
Visit the site

Donald Sainnawap
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (807) 738- 5076
Keith McKay
Release & Reintegration Worker
Tel: (807) 738- 5805
Wilma Carpenter
Victim Witness Liaison
Tel: (807) 374- 1000

Kashechewan First Nation

Chief Gaius Wesley

Stella Kiokee-Koostachin
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (705) 997- 1285

Keewaywin First Nation

Chief Geroge Kakekagumic

Shirley Keesic
Restorative Justice Worker
Tel: (807) 735-2709

Kenora Office

308 Second Street South, Suite 14
Kenora, ON P9N 1G4
Toll Free: 1- 800- 465- 5581

Ashley Cederwall
Community Legal Worker
Bob Albany
Gladue Case Worker
Tel: (807) 464- 0200
Bryan Phelan
Gladue Writer
Tel: (807) 737-5206
Jan Greenfeather King
Gladue Writer
Kevin Munson
Staff Lawyer

Kingfisher Lake First Nation

Chief Lott Sainnawap
Visit the site

Donald Sainnawap
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (807) 738- 5076
Wilma Carpenter
Victim Witness Liaison
Tel: (807) 374- 1000

Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug

Chief Donny Morris

April Chapman
Youth Intervention Worker
Tel: (807) 212- 1668
Wilma Carpenter
Victim Witness Liaison
Tel: (807) 374- 1000

Koocheching First Nation

Chief William Harper

Lac Seul First Nation

Chief Clifford Bull

Wilma Carpenter
Victim Witness Liaison
Tel: (807) 374- 1000

Long Lake #58 First Nation

Chief Judy Desmoulin

Heather Napash
Talking Together Facilitator
Tel: (807) 631- 2415
Roberta Wesley
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (705) 373- 2100

MacDowell Lake First Nation

Chief Lois James

Shirley Keesic
Restorative Justice Worker
Tel: (807) 735-2709

Marten Falls First Nation

Chief Bruce Achneepineeskum
Visit Marten Falls site

Heather Napash
Talking Together Facilitator
Tel: (807) 631- 2415
Robert Ostamas
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (807) 632- 6339

Matachewan First Nation

Chief Alex Batisse
Visit Matachewan Site

Kayla Landry
Restorative Justice Worker
Leahan Parrott
Restorative Manager East
Tel: (705) 288 2500
Madelaine Kioke
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (705) 221-1113

Mattagami First Nation

Chief Jennifer Constant
Visit Mattagami site

Leahan Parrott
Restorative Manager East
Tel: (705) 288 2500
Madelaine Kioke
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (705) 221-1113

Mishkeegogamang First Nation

Chief Merle Loon

Jacob Mekanak
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (807) 630- 9503
Wilma Carpenter
Victim Witness Liaison
Tel: (807) 374- 1000

Missanabie Cree First Nation

Chief Jason Gauthier
Visit Missanabie Cree site

MoCreebec Council of the Cree Nation

Chief Allan Jolly
Visit the site

Jacqueline Edwards
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (705) 221-1112

Moose Cree First Nation

Chief Peter Wesley
Visit Moose Cree site

Jacqueline Edwards
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (705) 221-1112

Muskrat Dam First Nation

Chief Carla Duncan

Cecilia Fiddler
Victim Witness Liaison
Tel: (807) 630- 5633

Neskantaga First Nation

Chief Chris Moonias

Heather Napash
Talking Together Facilitator
Tel: (807) 631- 2415
Robert Ostamas
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (807) 632- 6339

Nibinamik First Nation

Chief Sheldon Oskineegish

Cecilia Fiddler
Victim Witness Liaison
Tel: (807) 630- 5633
Heather Napash
Talking Together Facilitator
Tel: (807) 631- 2415
Robert Ostamas
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (807) 632- 6339

North Caribou Lake First Nation

Chief Leo Sakchekapo

Charles Benson
Release & Reintegration Worker
Tel: (807) 632- 8673

North Spirit Lake First Nation

Chief John Keesic

Shirley Keesic
Restorative Justice Worker
Tel: (807) 735-2709

Pikangikum First Nation

Chief Shirley Keeper

Brianna Owen
Release & Reintigration Worker
Tel: (807) 773- 3881
Chris Beardy
Restorative Justice Worker
Tel: (807) 738- 1678
Darlene Suggashie
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (807) 620- 5441
Gina Peters
Youth Intervention Worker
Shirley Keesic
Restorative Justice Worker
Tel: (807) 735-2709

Poplar Hill First Nation

Chief Alvin Owen

Shirley Keesic
Restorative Justice Worker
Tel: (807) 735-2709

Sachigo Lake First Nation

Chief Simon James Tait

Cecilia Fiddler
Victim Witness Liaison
Tel: (807) 630- 5633
Jacob Mekanak
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (807) 630- 9503

Sandy Lake First Nation

Chief Delores Kakegamic

Lakeishia Meekis
Youth Intervention Worker

Slate Falls First Nation

Chief Lorraine Crane

Jacob Mekanak
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (807) 630- 9503
Wilma Carpenter
Victim Witness Liaison
Tel: (807) 374- 1000

Taykwa Tagamou Nation

Chief Bruce Archibald
Visit Taykwa Tagamou site

Jacqueline Edwards
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (705) 221-1112
Melissa Sutherland
Gladue Caseworker
Tel: (705) 221-7316

Thunder Bay Office

1805 Arthur Street East, Unit 100
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 2R6
Phone: (807) 622- 1413
Toll Free: 1-800-465- 5581
Fax: (807) 622- 3024

Timmins Office

119 Pine Street South-Suite 210
Timmins, ON P4N 2K3
Phone: (705) 268-1105
Fax: (705) 268-0012

Ashley Lefebvre
Restorative Justice Worker
Andrew Poonae
Discharge Coordinator
Amanda Ratte
Manager of Bail Programs
Tel: (705) 288- 5515
April Scott
Services Referral Worker
Elizabeth Norman
Bail Verification Worker
Tel: (705) 268- 1105
Honarine Scott
Gladue Caseworker
Jacqueline Edwards
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (705) 221-1112
Jade Linklater
Talking Together Facilitator
Lenny Carpenter
Manager of Gladue Program
Tel: (705) 363- 6559
Leahan Parrott
Restorative Manager East
Tel: (705) 288 2500
Megan Atkinson
Gladue Writer
Melissa Carpenter
Victim Witness Liaison Worker
Madelaine Kioke
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (705) 221-1113
Melissa Leblanc
Restorative Justice Worker
Melissa Sutherland
Gladue Caseworker
Tel: (705) 221-7316
Naomi Fletcher
Youth Intervention & Restorative Justice Worker
Ramona Sutherland
Staff Lawyer
Shiela Corston
Victim Witness Liaison Worker
Samantha McAllister
Bail Verification Worker
Samuel Scheck
Gladue Caseworker
Teah Buffalo
Community Justice Coordinator

Wahgoshig First Nation

Chief June Black

Jacqueline Edwards
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (705) 221-1112
Leahan Parrott
Restorative Manager East
Tel: (705) 288 2500

Wapekeka First Nation

Chief Brennan Sainnawap
Visit the site

Donald Sainnawap
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (807) 738- 5076
Wilma Carpenter
Victim Witness Liaison
Tel: (807) 374- 1000

Wawakapewin First Nation

Chief Anne Marie Beardy
Visit the site

Donald Sainnawap
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (807) 738- 5076

Webequie First Nation

Chief Cornelius Wabasse

Cecilia Fiddler
Victim Witness Liaison
Tel: (807) 630- 5633
Heather Napash
Talking Together Facilitator
Tel: (807) 631- 2415
Kerina Wabasse
Community Safety Justice Liaison Worker
Robert Ostamas
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (807) 632- 6339

Weenusk First Nation

Chief Joseph Hunter

Stella Kiokee-Koostachin
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (705) 997- 1285

Whitewater Lake First Nation

Chief Pauline Drake

Cecilia Fiddler
Victim Witness Liaison
Tel: (807) 630- 5633

Wunnumin Lake First Nation

Chief Glen Archie Wabasse
Visit the site

Cecilia Fiddler
Victim Witness Liaison
Tel: (807) 630- 5633
Donald Sainnawap
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (807) 738- 5076

Thunder Bay Office

Chapples Building
101 Syndicate Avenue North
Suite 101
Thunder Bay, ON P7C 3V4
Phone: (807) 622- 1413
Toll Free: 1-800-465- 5581
Fax: (807) 622- 3024

Arturo Acosta
Staff Lawyer
Alexandria Adams
Gladue Case Worker
Ann Hamilton
Victim Witness Coordinator
Alana Odawa
Manager of Victim Witness Program
Tel: (807) 631- 2857
Ashley Richards
Communications Coordinator
Tel: (807) 632- 9051
Brittany Malcolm
Legal Aid Assessment Officer
Carol Buswa
Manager of Talking Together Program
Tel: (807) 621- 3532
Cedar Fiddler
Pre-Charge Worker
Cecilia Fiddler
Victim Witness Liaison
Tel: (807) 630- 5633
Chantelle Johnson
Director of Justice Programs
Tel: (807) 252- 3934
Correen Kakegamic
Executive Assistant
Tel: (807) 631- 2736
Cindy Knapp
Legal Aid Administrator
Colette Shwetz
Director of Human Resources
Tel: (807) 635- 8158
Cheryl Suggashie
Public Legal Education & Communications Lead
Tel: (807) 620- 9253
Dana Gaudreau
Talking Together Facilitator
Doreen Stone
Director of Legal Services
Tel: (807) 632- 1001
Evangeline Meekis
By- Law Worker
Tel: (807) 774- 4423
Elijah Morris
Restorative Justice Worker
Francesca Mainville
Manager of Court Services
Heather Napash
Talking Together Facilitator
Tel: (807) 631- 2415
Jordana Casasanta
Legal Aid Assessment Officer
Joanne Cheechoo
Finance Manager
Tel: (807) 630- 0580
Joy Nwaubani
Gladue Writer
Jewels Patterson
Restorative Justice Assistant
Jocelyn Rae
Senior Assessment Officer
Tel: (807) 620- 2261
Jennifer Stienke
Gladue Writer
Tel: 613- 612- 2819
Joshua Swearengen
Director of Finance
Kurtis Kannus
HRIS/Recruitment Support Worker
Kayla Knapp
Bail Verification Worker
Kristy Martyn
After Care Worker
Tel: (807) 633- 9731
Kenneth Sackaney
Restorative Justice Manager West
Tel: (705) 278- 3340
Lauren Differ
Justice Program Coordinator
Liberty Gorman
HR-Recruitment Lead
Lorilee Lessard
SADV Worker
Mark Dyrland
Discharge Coordinator
Mary J Kakekapetum
HR / Training Coordinator
Michelle Lambert
Community Justice Coordinator
Natasha Salatino-Mach
Restorative Justice Program Lead
Tel: (807) 632- 7866
Patrick (Joe) Nett
Discharge Driver
Peter Sackaney
Community Safety Justice Liaison Worker
Rachel Catroppa
Travel Coordinator
Rhain Mainville
Manager of Facilities and Purchasing
Tel: (807) 631- 7470
Robert Ostamas
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (807) 632- 6339
Stuart Bruce
Staff Lawyer
Sheri kakegamic
Client Service Worker
Tracey Coultis
Accounts Payable Officer
Taina Martin
Hub Coordinator
Vernon Morris
Alternative Justice Community Program Manager
Tel: (807) 738- 2954
William Shawanamash
My Journey Back Home
Zelda Watt
Talking Together Lead
Tel: (807) 620- 8150

Sioux Lookout Office

37 Front St, Sioux Lookout ON
P8T 1H4
Phone: (807) 737- 7981
Fax: (807) 737- 7297

Damon Kakekagumick
Community Legal Worker
Donald Sainnawap
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (807) 738- 5076
Jacob Mekanak
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (807) 630- 9503
Kevin Romyn
Staff Lawyer
Stallone Quequish
Youth Services Manager
Tel: (807) 737- 4141
Wilma Carpenter
Victim Witness Liaison
Tel: (807) 374- 1000

Eabametoong First Nation

Chief Sol Atlookan

Heather Napash
Talking Together Facilitator
Tel: (807) 631- 2415
Jean Rabbit - Waboose
Release & Reintegration Worker
Tel: (807) 631- 5542
Jeanette Slipperjack
Youth Empowerment Worker
Robert Ostamas
Community Legal Worker
Tel: (807) 632- 6339

Red Lake Office

Diana Pine
Gladue Case Worker
Tel: 807- 738- 3313
Nicole Spence
Restorative Justice Worker
Sarah Desforges
Community Legal Worker
Shirley Keesic
Restorative Justice Worker
Tel: (807) 735-2709

North Bay


Sue Nelson
Restorative Justice Worker