What is the Community Youth Intervention Program

Working closely with the Probation Officers, the Community Youth Intervention Worker (CYIW) assists and supports Indigenous Youth (12-17) currently in conflict with the law.

The CYIW lives in the community and operates as a linkage between the youth and the Probation Officers works closely with probation officers.

The CYIW plays an important role in the development of  local programs, and provides support and assistance, to reintegrate the youth back into the community,  in a positive and meaningful way.

The CYIW works closely with all Community members including the Leadership and Education Authority. The CYIW meets with clients on a regular basis and helps build their self-esteem while promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Benefits of the CYI Program

  • Youth learn new skills and hobbies
  • Youth develop self-esteem and empowerment
  • Youth participate in group activities such as camping, boating and cultural events
  • Youth learn about their community and history
  • Youth reconnect with Elders and family members
  • Youth develop a healthy lifestyle

Community Work

With dispositions through the Court, youth may be required to do some Community Service Work such as:

  • Volunteer Work in the community, tending to Elders, getting firewood or shoveling snow, gathering of food, volunteering and attending at local events
  • Fines
  • Written or verbal apology
  • Attending presentations
  • Attendance at school
  • Testimonies, sharing of stories to provide a teaching
  • Making and Presenting gifts to the persons harmed
  • Attending a treatment program or another self-help program

The intent of the program is to guide the young person to a better understanding on how his/her behavior affects others in the community, and to make reparations by giving back to the community in a meaningful way.