The Board of Directors is made up of 8 voting members representing each Tribal Council within NAN Territory, an Elder Representatives in the West, Central and East Region, an
Ex- Officio from Nishnawbe Aski Nation Corporation, whom holds the Justice Portfolio, and a Youth Representative from Nishnawbe Aski Nation Oshkaatisak Council

Board of Directors 2023- 2024

Chair: Independent First Nation Alliance
Jim Beardy

Vice Chair: Windigo First Nations Council
Frank McKay

Secretary/Treasurer: Wabun Tribal Council
Jason Batise

Director: Shibogama Tribal Council
Simon Winnepetonga

Director: Unaffiliated Member of 
Mishkeegogamang First Nation
Tom Wassaykeesic

Director: Keewaytinook Okimakanak
Cory J Meekis

Director: Mushkegowuk Council
Amos Wesley

Director: Matawa
Lisa Echum


Ex-Officio Nishnawbe Aski- Nation Corporation
Deputy Grand Chief Anna Betty Achneepineskum

Nishnawbe Aski- Nation Youth Council Representative
Andrea Yesno-Linklater
Ramon Kataquapit

Elder East
Barney Batise

Elder West
Saggius Rae

Elder Central
Sarah Waboose