Nishnawbe-Aski Legal Services (NALSC) is committed to improving the quality of justice in the Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) communities. The PLE program serves the 49 First Nations within the Nishnawbe Aski Nation. The members of remote communities are not always well served by the current Canadian Legal system. The Public Legal Education (PLE) works to improve the quality and delivery of justice in the NAN communities.

The goal of the PLE program is to:

  • Inform and educate the members of NAN about the law and Canadian Legal system
  • Inform and educate the members of NAN about their Rights and Obligations within the Legal system

What is Public Legal Education?

“Public Legal Education” (PLE) is an activity that seeks to provide people with an opportunity to obtain information about the law and justice system. PLE works to improve access to justice. It gives people the information needed to:

  • Help them understand the law.
  • Help them understand how to deal with legal issues that affect their lives.
  • Help them understand how to use the opportunities and the protections offered by the legal system


  • Familiarize members of NAN on the law and justice system
  • Ensure members of NAN are aware of changes and new developments in law, legislation and policy
  • Engage in “preventive law” by delivering PLE activities
  • Provide legal information in plain language and in a format that is easy-to-understand
  • Ensure members of NAN are aware of the programs and services offered by NALSC


PLE services are designed to promote a better understanding of the law and legal system. PLE is delivered in a manner sensitive to, and tailored to the needs of, the NAN communities.

The delivery of PLE takes many forms:

  • Community Visits
  • Workshops & presentations
  • Career Fairs
  • Clinic Days
  • Promotions & Booth displays
  • Newsletters & Website