NALSC Videos
For full information on our Programs and Services watch our videos:
Root Causes of Overrepresentation
The video explains with detail of Indigenous people going through the Western Legal System. It is meant to educate and increase knowledge and understanding of Legal Professionals and our NAN Community members.
Gladue Program
Lawyers, Crown attorneys, Judges, Probation Officers, Police Officers and other legal professionals should be aware, engaged and fulfilling their legislative and judicial obligations to apply the provisions of s. 718.2(e) of the Criminal Code, and the judicial direction of the Gladue and Ipeelee decisions.
The majority of Legal Professionals should refer NAN community members to our Gladue Program and utilize our online Gladue Request Form.
Restorative Justice
This Video explains our Restorative Justice Circle Process. When a Rereferral comes in, a healing circle is facilitated.
The Restorative Justice healing circles are based on respect, compassion, inclusivity, encouraging meaningful engagement and accountability. It provides reparation and reintegration.
For more information click here: Restorative Justice Programs and to make Referrals
Victim Witness Liaison Program (VWLP)
This video explains our Victim Witness Liaison Program (VWLP). We provide support and resources to victims and witnesses of crime, through referrals. It is a wholistic alternative way to address Sexual Harm and Domestic Violence, and begin the healing process.
For more information click:
Victim Witness Liaison Program