“Our Life Stories” is a special project aimed at educating Legal Professionals and our community members, on the root causes of the overrepresentation of Indigenous people in the justice system, and our programs that help to address that imbalance. It is comprised of two parts:

  • a 4-part video series (see below videos)
  • a Graphic novel, focused on an Indigenous man mu going through the Gladue process

The story centers on David Clearwater, an Indigenous man who is charged with assault. He is ordered to have a Gladue Report completed for his sentencing, taking the readers through the Gladue process: ordering the Gladue report, revisiting his traumatic past, detailing the intergenerational impact, the report’s impact on sentencing, and the beginning of his healing journey.

The story was developed to provide a common and realistic portrayal of our community members’ stories, the Gladue and court process, and ideal outcomes as a result of the Gladue report.

*Cree, Ojibway and Oji Cree Version will be available soon!

The Root Causes of Overrepresentation

Gladue Principes

Gladue Report Process

Restorative Justice Programs