Federal Indian Day School Information "The McLean Settlement" Extension

Class Members were able to apply for an extension until January 13, 2023, by submitting an Extension Request Form. It was recommended you submit your Claim Form together with your Extension Request Form, but Class Members may seek an extension prior to submitting their Claim Form.
The Claims Period is Closed

Additional Helpful Resources

Talking or thinking about painful past experiences can trigger intense thoughts or feelings. It helps to talk to a trusted person, friend, family member or an Elder. See below for additional available resources:

Community Support Program (For Indian Day Schools ONLY)
Argyle Claims Assistance (you can request Interpretation Support):
Phone: 1-877-515-7525
Email: idscommunitysupport@argylepr.com
Monday through Friday 8am – 9pm Eastern

Talk 4 Healing
Talk, Text, Chat

Services in Ojibway, Oji-Cree, Cree, English, French
24/7 culturally sensitive counselling, advice, and support to Indigenous women.
Toll Free: 1-855-554-4325

Hope for Wellness Help Line
24/7 Services in English, Cree, Ojibway, Inuktitut, French
Toll Free 1- 855- 242- 3310
www.hopeforwellness.ca with Chat Feature

NAN Hope
Toll Free 1-844-626-4673
Text: 1- 844- 626- 4673
www.nanhope.ca with Chat feature

24-hour Residential School Crises Line
For immediate emotional assistance
Toll Free: 1-866-925-4419
Access Health Support Services & more information
Toll Free: 1- 888- 301- 6426

Indian Residential Schools Survivors and Family
Toll Free: 1-800-721-0066

Native Women’s Association of Canada
In-house elders offering support, Monday to Friday 9- 11am and 1 – 3 p.m. Eastern Time
Toll Free: 1- 888- 664- 7808

MMIW Crisis Line
24/7 support to family, friends and community members impacted by the loss of a missing or murdered Indigenous woman, girl, or Two-spirit person
Toll Free: 1- 844- 413- 6649